The hardtuned 1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale

I first spotted the SS at a gas station in the Montclair district of Oakland. Two weeks later I found it on the street, parked behind a '67 Duetto that had always lived on the street not far from my house. It was on mismatched wheels, with damage to the right front corner and a broken windshield but was seemingly all there. I was describing the car to my wife who pointed out, isn't this one of those times you leave a note? Yes, and right now! Note was left, and I soon learned that it was the Duetto owner's father's SS that he had purchased from the first owner in Los Angeles. (The son, who I was dealing with bought his '67 Duetto new and still has it today!) The family was interested in selling, and I had the car within a couple of weeks. Turns out it JGH (the owner's initials -check the personalized plate below) daily drove it for a number of years. At some point he changed the color from the original red to a pearlescent white. It had been sitting for some time in JGH's garage, and in the twilight of his driving career, he took it out for a spin, only to find no brakes. He stopped by veering off the road into an embankment to stop which crumpled the front right corner (into the door jamb) and broke the windshield. Post accident, the brakes were fixed, so it was driveable when I found it in a nearby neighborhood. The XZL 777 plate was assigned to the car 1969 when ownership was transfered to JGH, and his son found it on the wall of his father's garage shortly after I took delivery of the SS, and kindly delivered it to me.

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